Excerpt taken from the December ECRN newsletter.
It’s been an amazing year for the ECRN and we want to share our top 10 highlights with you. Over the last 12 months:
299 members have joined us from 26 different countries, taking our total to 901 members;
38 representatives have joined our team! With 16 representatives in the UK and Ireland, and 22 internationally across Australia, Austria, Canada, Columbia, Denmark, Ethiopia, Finland, Greece, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Singapore, South Africa, Tanzania and the US;
4.3k people have visited our website at artshealthecrn.com;
1448 people followed us on Twitter, with our tweets achieving 382.4k impressions, 2118 link clicks, 1201 re-tweets and 2304 likes;
152 people liked our Facebook page, with our posts reaching an average of 484 people per month;
Two twitter chats have taken place using our hashtag #ArtsHealthLINK;
17 LINK events have been hosted across the UK, USA, Norway and Ethiopia;
Video Corner and Research Spotlight were launched, where we have posted 15 videos and shared 14 journal articles written by ECRs; and
we have partnered with the University of Florida to LEAD our annual training programme - the Arts Health Research Intensive – with the first course taking place in Florida February 2018 and our second course due to take place in 44 days at Snape Maltings, UK.
Thank you for reading the blog over the past year and we wish you a very happy 2019! If you are interested in writing for the AHECRN blog please feel free to get in touch. Robyn (Blog Editor)